Clarity and consistency attract and keep customers

People make snap decisions - often you’ve only got one chance to make a first impression

This is the third in our mini-series, first published by Michelle Spaul on 22 January 2020.

In Part 1, Peter Gregory explored how to optimise the first impressions we make on others: ‘If you want to attract the right client, make the right impression.’

In Part 2, Simon showed us how to build an effective brand: ‘Business branding: cuts like lightning or a millstone around your neck.’

Part 3 in a mini-series on attracting the right clients


In a busy world, we make snap decisions about the value of videos, articles, websites and people. You have only one chance to make a first impression. To win business and referrals, you must show people why they should buy from you.

Once you win their custom, you need to build trust and satisfaction. Then they will buy again and tell others.

Communicate with clarity

Whether you make your first impression face-to-face, online or by referral, your audience filters your message. Sound irrelevant, and they will find something else to do.

If you show them ‘what’s in it for me’, they’ll listen. What an opportunity to qualify your leads. So:

  • Be succinct

  • Promise value

  • Be clear

Be succinct - the eight-second rule

Do you resent only getting 30 or 60 seconds to tell people how great you are? Think again. People decide more quickly. Their first decision is ‘shall I listen?’.

Tell your audience how you give them value in eight (8) seconds or compete with to-do lists, work issues or tonight’s dinner.

Promise value - make it about them

In your first meeting, on your website, when customers refer you*, don’t talk about your business, your personal goals, features or benefits. Show what your clients achieve when they hire you.

*You may have to remind people of your eight-second message so they can refer you with confidence.

Be clear - no one likes a smart aleck

Don’t be smart or clever. If you offer lawn care say ‘I help people own lawns their neighbours envy’. Don’t say ‘Turf, sod and sow much more’.

What’s your story?

Here’s a simple formula for your eight-second introduction.

I / we help PEOPLE / BUSINESSES achieve their GOALS. Swap the UPPER CASE words for your customers and the value you create.

Here are our conversation openers:

Peter – ‘I help businesses build mutually beneficial collaborative relationships that attract a consistent stream of their ideal clients’

Simon – ‘I help people with a compelling vision delight and win their audience with captivating visuals’

Michelle – ‘I help SMEs increase sales and margins by delivering compelling customer experiences.’


Follow Peter’s and Simon’s great advice consistently. Don’t wear a suit to your first meeting and then revert to ripped jeans and your favourite tee-shirt. Be memorable and professional - use your brand every time you communicate. Be inconsistent and your customers’ Spidey Sense will tingle.

Deliver the promise given in your elevator pitch (ease, effectiveness and emotion)

We all want, nay need, our customers to come back and to recommend us.

They will if you deliver your promise (effectiveness) without friction (ease). Easy, effective interactions delight your customers and happy customers become advocates (emotion).

What now?

You’ve heard from Peter on first physical impressions, whether in a meeting or networking, and how some less tangible aspects have an impact; from Simon on giving creating a brand that cuts through the noise and chaos of the marketplace in a flash like lightning; and now from Michelle on being clear and consistent to win and keep clients.

If you want to attract the right clients through effective relationship and referral marketing; attract the right clients through the visual identity of your business for success; or would like to keep the right clients and get them to tell others through clarity and consistency, get in touch.

Simon Cox

I’m Simon Cox and with my wife Rachael Cox we run Wildings Studio, a creative brand studio in Devon, UK offering branding, website design & brand video.

We create magical brands that your ideal customers rave about; and leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Our approach blends both style and substance, helping you go beyond your wildest expectations.


Bringing order from the chaos: building Wildings Studio


Fun, engaging announcement video for 4-5 Gray's Inn Square barrister's chambers