
A new unique visual identity that sparkles with personality & is perfectly poised to entice your ideal customers


Deep strategic foundations & stunning designs that give you the confidence & assurance to stand out in your market & attract the clients of your dreams


 “Rachael & Simon worked collaboratively and creatively with us to achieve a look that matched our hearts’ desire. They took time to listen to us while also appropriately bringing their wisdom and insight. Everything was done to a professional standard which brought fresh life to our branding.”

Christa Brodie-Levinsohn, Brand Owner


Brand Strategy

Branding shouldn’t be complicated, which is why we take a two-part approach.

A blueprint & roadmap for success

The first step is brand strategy, which is deep thinking and planning: crucial for a successful brand. Also known as internal branding, this gives you a solid framework, allowing you to realise the inspiring vision for your business in the next phase. Brand strategy is your blueprint, giving you the confidence and a roadmap for success.

New-found clarity & confidence

Branding is more than a simple logo plus some fonts and colours though - starting with your brand strategy, we help you gain a fresh understanding of your audience and uniqueness as a business, positioning you for success. Your new-found clarity and confidence is invaluable, banishing any past doubts or indecisions.

It’s like having a business coach

Our branding is like gaining a friendly business coach - we take you on a journey deep to the foundations of your business. We’ll help you get clear on the fundamentals of what your business is, where you want to go and who you want to work with. We draw out what’s unique and different about you so that you will stand out from everyone else.

Be invigorated & motivated

Through the process you’ll gain a fresh sense of confidence and pride in your identity as a business. You’ll feel invigorated and motivated when it comes to talking to promoting your business and talking to clients, as there will be no doubt in your mind about what you offer and to whom.


Brand Identity

With your solid foundation and clarity, step two is about your external branding, in which we create the visual identity for your brand.

Stunning designs, totally you

We bring your strategy to life with stunning and unique designs that totally reflect who you are and how you want to express yourself as a business (explore what you get in the FAQs below).

Speak your audience’s language

It’s not just about the aesthetics too, we ensure you have the right words too so that you can speak the language of your audience perfectly in your messaging.

Business a delight again

Overall, you’ll find you’re in a better place to attract your ideal clients and say no to those who are not a good fit. You’ll be able to put behind you the days of saying yes to anyone, and focus on working with those that make business a delight and booking in your most meaningful projects.

Launchpad for success

We’ll ensure you have all the support and backup to turn the plans and vision into a stunning reality, though amazing design and visuals. You’ll have at your fingertips not only materials to market and promote yourself, but the understanding to use them effectively on demand.

Crest with leopards & sceptre for interior designer by Devon brand studio in Torquay working with UK creative businesses
Wildings logo suite with logos & marks in green by South Devon brand studio in Torquay working with UK creative businesses
Logo concept with snake & letters for interior designer by Devon brand studio in Torquay working with UK creative businesses
Logo concept for London interior architecture studio by Devon brand studio in Torquay working with UK creative businesses

 “We absolutely loved working with Rachael & Simon. Wildings had a fantastically easy and effective process of honing in on who we wanted to be and understanding our heart and vision. We're totally chuffed with the finished branding. Even since we've finished this project Simon & Rachael have cheered us on - we love that it's felt more like working with friends than a 'company'.

Abi Hedges, People development consultant


Brand audits

Not sure where to start? Feeling overwhelmed?

If you’re all in a tizz, a brand audit will help you get back on firm ground again.

We’ll help you take stock like a friendly advisor over a comforting cup of tea or coffee and work out what needs to happen next.

You’ll walk away with a fresh sense of perspective and confidence, as well as with a list of prioritised, actionable points at your fingertips to get stuck into.

Regain your focus and get your brand firing again!



  • Branding is more than just a logo and some fonts and colours.

    It is the framework that allows you to manage the fundamental meaning behind your business brand.

    That means you know your ideal customers, what makes them tick and how to capture their attention.

    Without this clarity and focus, you run the risk of a weak, muddled brand that won’t get traction.

    If you’d like to understand more why branding is important and how it works, see our Explore Branding page →

  • We’ll take you through a series of personal, one-on-one consultations that get to the heart of things in your business and where you want to get to.

    Our brand strategy packages include the following:

    • A series of guided consultation sessions or in-person day (at The Newt or Hotel Endsleigh)

    • Workbook and practical exercises

    • A short aide-memoire

    • Areas we cover include:

      • Your brand core

      • Brand positioning

      • Your brand proposition

      • Brand persona

      • Brand direction

    • Depending on your package:

      • Expert word-smithing & copywriting of your messaging & brand statements

      • Full write-up in an elegant brand guidebook

  • If you go to stage two off the back of your brand strategy, we’ll design a stunning set of visual assets for your business.

    Each brand identity is specific to the brand, but as a guide, you would get the following:

    • Logo pack

    • Colour palettes

    • Typography & font hierarchy

    • Small set of stationery items

    • Brand booklet with guidelines

    You can customise this set as you wish, but because you have the foundation of your brand strategy, you will be able to control your investment, as you know exactly what you need.

    At the end of the process, all your files and assets will be accessible 24-7 in your own client portal.

  • Definitely! We love taking what is good and improving where there are weaknesses.

    Rebranding is part of the natural evolution of a business, whether it is small, incremental changes or a big pivot.

    Bear in mind that a rebrand is not necessarily and small or quick undertaking, as the same process applies as with a normal branding project.

  • Photography can make or break a branding project.

    Selling is all about building trust, particularly online, so professional photos of you, your team and your business do a huge amount of heavy lifting.

    Branded photography helps your clients understand what you are like to work with and imagine what the experience could be like.

    We highly recommend working with a professional photographer so that you can put you and your business in the best light possible.

    Brilliant photography is more accessible than you might think - starting with a half-day shoot can give you more than enough photos to get started.

  • Yes, absolutely!

    We started out life in graphic design, which is a core element of what we do.

    We also undertake custom hand-drawn illustrations as part of branding projects or in artwork for various brands.

    We tend to do graphic design projects by the hour or per page, so it’s often more cost-effective to commission a package of design assets.

    The best thing to do is get in touch with us and we can talk about what would work best for you.

  • We'll set up a short discovery call to find out more about your project and how we can help

    If we both feel that there's synergy and rapport, we'll either produce an official estimate or some recommendations for you to consider

    We can refine this further with you or if you want to go ahead, we ask for a deposit to book your slot in our calendar

    We get a steady stream of enquiries and are often booked ahead, so do check our availability, and ideally reserve your slot to avoid disappointment!

  • Before we start, we want you to be happy that we are a good fit for you, so start with a discovery call to clarify what you want and how we can help.

    As with all our projects, we start by going deep with you to understand you and your business on a fundamental level.

    Our focus on strategy and an intimate shared understanding of your business allows us to unearth key insights and ensure that your brand reflects your vision, stands out and flows seamlessly into your marketing.

    After the strategy and research phases we move onto the visuals and designs, ensuring that everything builds together coherently.

  • The length of a branding project depends on what you want and what you commission specifically.

    If you want custom designs for follow-on marketing campaigns or branded photography and illustration, for example, the extra art direction and logistics will add on time (but create amazing results!).

    Roughly speaking, a branding project can take anything from six to eight weeks.

    The best thing to do is to get in touch and have an initial discovery call with us so we can help you get clearer.

  • We treat every project individually, but also realise that you may have a budget.

    A full branding package, including Brand Strategy and Brand Identity starts from £5,000.

    If you want something very bespoke or customised, you would be looking at from £6,000.

    Currently, VAT is not applicable, so our prices are 'as is' (although this may change).

A note from Rachael

Your business brand is powerful, with the ability to attract and win over clients, but often misunderstood, being reduced to a logo, fonts or colours.

We've been on that journey ourselves too, but come to learn that your brand is ultimately what your customer thinks of and says about you - most often behind your back!

It's so important to do all you can to influence those perceptions of you and your business, and there's so much you can do, as you are unique by nature and your journey.

The key to great branding is designing an amazing emotional journey for your ideal client, one aspect of which is the visual designs.

We love doing this by uncovering these unique stories and aspects of business brands, bringing these powerful elements to life in visual identities that engage deeply with your clients.

We'd love to work with you to capture those insights and transform your business brand into one that is bright, brilliant and that showcases the great things that you do for people.



Get in touch with us

We’d love to hear from you and discuss your project. Fill in the contact form here and we’ll arrange a call so we can get to know each other.