Why is brand photography so important for garden designers?

Woman in green jumper explaining a garden design to a woman in a white turtle neck top with hands in back pockets

This is part one of our mini-series on how to get great brand photography if you’re a garden or landscape designer, featuring brand photographer, Meg Lovell. Part 2 follows up this intro, focussing on the practicalities of how to go about getting amazing brand photography, what goes into the process and things to be aware of in the process: ‘How to get great brand photos for your garden design website’.

We’ve had the joy of working with a series of garden and landscape designers since the relaunch of the RHS Chelsea Garden Show post-pandemic. Projects have included branding and website projects, which in turn inspired our standout studio style website design for garden designers.

When it comes to imagery for garden designers, we’ve noticed that it can be tricky to get images for garden design websites. Partly, this is because planting plans can take time to mature, but also it can be overwhelming as a garden designer, to know where to start in getting beautiful, high-impact photography that truly sells your garden services.

In this two-part series, featuring photographer Meg Lovell, we’ll unpack how you can take advantage of the magic of professional brand photography for your garden design business. We’ll share tips and tricks so that you can capture stunning images of your garden designs, putting them in the best light possible. (In part two [coming soon] we show you how to get the right brand images for high-impact pages on your website.)

We’ll delve into the benefits of brand photography. In short, these include the ability to draw in new clients (who are the right fit) and show off your projects so you get noticed in your marketing. On a practical level, professional brand photography can boost your chances of securing projects (increasing your income), allowing you to take your garden design business to the next level.

Read on to discover why embracing brand photography as a garden designer can make to your brand.

Woman with brown hair in linen jump suit and white blouse drawing a garden design with bifold doors and lush garden behind

What types of brand photography are best for garden designers?


To answer this initial question fully, we drew in Meg Lovell. Meg is a photographer who tells brand stories through her evocative and natural photography style. She’s based in Bristol, working in the South West and throughout the UK.

We’ve asked Meg to share her wisdom on how to approach brand photography and shoots, as we guide you through thinking cohesively about getting imagery for your garden design website and marketing.

It may come as a surprise, but there are many types of photographers; different types of photography; and each photographer has a distinct style. Here’s Meg’s overview on different types of brand photography:

“When it comes to imagery, garden designers should probably think of it in terms of two different types of photoshoots - one where they themselves are the subject, and the story being told is about their brand and their creative/client process, and separately, a more traditional garden photoshoot where the garden itself is the subject.”

Woman with slight smile, nose stud, side shaved hair, dark demin jacket with zip and gold necklace in front of a white wall
Woman in white long sleeved blouse holding a sprig of a flower with garden design inspiration materials
Woman with gold wrist band holding a lush green flower and foliage in a dense green garden in North London
Woman in brown linen jumpsuit and white blouse browsing a book on a table with a notebook and garden design materials


Wildings is a design agency in Devon. Our studio is based in Torquay, South Devon, and we provide branding for creative, hospitality and lifestyle businesses across Devon and the UK (like garden designers, interior designers, architects, floral designers). If you’d like to find out more, explore our branding for small businesses or contact this branding agency in Devon →


What are the benefits of brand photography for a garden designer?

Professional brand photography is distinct from generic photography or shots you might capture on your smartphone. At its core, it’s about conveying the unique and attractive characteristics of a business, plus the feeling of what it’s like to work with that brand. The results should resonate with your ideal client, hopefully leading to enquiries and projects that are a good fit for your business.

As a garden or garden designer brand, there are ways to share what you do and how you lead clients on a journey of inspiration and ultimately convey your style, and aesthetic and sell what is different about you and your studio or practice.

Websites need good imagery that will speak to the types of clients you want to work with. Images need to place you in your best light. They should also convey a sense of story which conveys what you are like and what is special about the work you do.

If you’ve not come across professional brand photography before, here are five key reasons to consider it for your brand to set the scene.

Back garden in North London with hard landscaped limestone steps and pond, mature planting and terraced houses in background

Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your garden designs

Professional brand photography allows a garden designer to showcase their creations in the most captivating and visually appealing way. High-quality images capture the intricate details of your garden design, highlighting its unique features, vibrant colours or perhaps lush greenery you’ve included. These high-quality images serve as your visual portfolio, attracting potential clients and enhancing your reputation and impact as a designer.

Creates a unique & distinct impression

Like many industries, garden design is highly competitive, so first impressions definitely matter. Professionally captured photographs of your garden design project can convey important traits, such as sophistication and excellence. Striking images can help you define your standout style as a garden designer, increasing your cut-through and impact with prospective clients.

Woman in green jumper explaining a garden design to a woman in a white turtle neck top with hands in back pockets
Dense planting with grasses, trees and a tree in a North London back garden with a slatted fence in the background

Enhance your social media presence & marketing

With a lot of competition, you need a strong online presence as a garden designer. High-impact photography is incredibly versatile, allowing you to underline your skills and results across as variety of platforms: your website; Instagram or other social media platforms; plus digital and printed marketing materials. These are key touchpoints where you can consistently delight and wow your audience.

Provide inspiration & thought leadership

Professional photography is helpful across the full range of a client’s journey with you. One aspect is the early stage - fact finding or information collecting. Great photography can provide inspiration and fresh ideas for prospective clients, plus giving them insights into your values and design process as a garden designer. You can use brand photography to position yourself as a go-to designer who can get results, plus increasing the chance that your approach or ethos resonates with your ideal clients.

Establishes credibility & trust

Trust is absolutely vital for any relationship and exceptional garden design often requires a client to commit to significant investments and a long-term journey with you. Professional brand photography serves to inspire confidence and build trust with potential clients. It achieves this by demonstrating your expertise as a garden designer in a visual way. By showcasing your previous results through captivating images, you assure future clients of their investment in a trustworthy and garden designer - if you can do it for them, you can do it for me.


How can I get the best out of a brand photography shoot as a garden designer?

Getting practical, we’re going to take a deeper look at what images to include on various pages of your garden design website in part two of this series. This will focus specifically on the types of images that do the crucial job of telling your website visitors more about what you’re like to work with.

In the meantime, we’ll focus on the overall planning element, which is vital work to undertake before you book your photographer.

As Meg mentioned above, garden designers need to consider two aspects of their images. The first is images of your business as the subject, the second is images of your work.

This all starts by talking about your needs with your photographer who will be able to work out with you what can be achieved and how to get the best images for your specific needs or objectives.

Woman with light brown hair and black linen blouse sitting at a desk looking and landscaping materials with garden behind

Meg says:

Consider your brand palette and also textures when choosing outfits and props for your shoot - but most importantly, choose clothes you feel comfortable and confident in. Feeling comfortable on camera doesn’t come naturally to most people, but choosing a photographer you have a good rapport with is a great start, as it is their job to help you relax and feel natural on the day. Some of my top tips for building confidence include taking regular posture breaks to shake out your nerves and relax your shoulders, and finding a prop to hold to give your hands something to do- a notebook, cup of tea, whatever works for you! Check out my tips on how to build confidence on camera.


So that’s an introduction and overview to the power and importance of brand photography for garden designers, or if you‘re a brand in the garden space. Check out part two on the practical side of how to plan the best shots for pages on your website: ‘How to get great brand photos for your garden design website’. If you’d like to learn more from us on website design or get visual inspiration, follow @wildings.studio on Instagram or read more of our blogs on website design too.

Related articles on website design for garden designers


Simon Cox

I’m Simon Cox and with my wife Rachael Cox we run Wildings Studio, a creative brand studio in Devon, UK offering branding, website design & brand video.

We create magical brands that your ideal customers rave about; and leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Our approach blends both style and substance, helping you go beyond your wildest expectations.


How to get great brand photos for your garden design website


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