Brand & website audits

Ditch the muddle & confusion - get clear, confident & back on track with your branding or website


A chance to stop, breathe & walk away with friendly, expert advice and a list of prioritised, actionable recommendations to get your branding or website unstuck and firing again.


 “Following an initial website audit review of my business, Wildings gave my existing website a boost. I can’t recommend Rachael & Simon enough - they are professional and listen to what you need. I love following their journey and will definitely do more with them in the future.”

Alison Potter, Brand Owner


Fresh clarity & confidence

You’ve got a niggling feeling or evidence that things are not working in your brand or website, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. A brand or website audit gives you fresh clarity and confident about what to do and how to go about it in a sustainable and structured way.

Friendly chat with an expert

Our brand or website audits are a chance to sit down with a friendly expert, identify quick wins, as well as get strategic advice that will move your business forward. You’ll go away not only inspired but also with a list of things to start ticking off.


Quick wins & long term impact

In your audit, we’ll take a structured and focussed approach to analyse the most important areas of your brand or website. You can then focus on changes that will make the most impact, as well as plan to take care of more long term areas.

Momentum & inspiration

Your audit includes a friendly one-on-one session in which we'll coach you through our key recommendations, unpacking how to improve, and you can ask as many questions as you want! You’ll come away with a fresh sense of perspective - the uncertainty will be behind you and you’ll have a new sense of momentum and inspiration for your brand’s future.

Brand audit report for a woman's life coach at a South Devon brand studio in Torquay working with UK creative businesses

 “Working with Simon & Rachael has been an amazing experience from start to finish. Their level of professionalism and engagement is second to none. It’s rare that you come across somebody in this industry who does not want to push product after product on you; well, welcome to Wildings Studio. They genuinely want you to succeed and want to help you to do that. A great to start to what is turning out to be an amazing journey. Thank you to Simon & the team.

Matthew Whittaker, Business Development Manager

Brand audit recommendations for a life coach by a South Devon brand studio in Torquay working with UK creative businesses

Prioritised, actionable list

By the end of your audit, you’ll have a list of the most important and urgent issues, without jargon, that you can work on or forward for implementation for speedy results. These will also be accessible 24-7 in your own client area.

No more trial & error

If you’re unsure where to start in assessing what to do next with your brand or website, this is a great place to start. You’ll save money overall: rather than you taking a trial and error approach, we’ll identify the most important issues that are holding you back, allowing you to invest specifically in resolving things that will gain you the best results.


  • Your brand is the bedrock of everything your business stands for and the blueprint for everything you do; if it is unclear or out of kilter, the knock-on effects can be profound and far-reaching. If you've had that sense of confusion and lack of clarity that continually makes decisions hard, it's likely your brand needs attention. A brand audit helps you understand where your brand is working and where it needs improvement, plus how to achieve that in a very practical way. This can save you time, money and wasted resources, plus gives you peace of mind that you are on track.

    What’s different about your brand audit?

    In a nutshell, our holistic and personal approach. You'll often hear brand experts saying your brand is not your logo; in fact, your brand can be defined as 'your customers total emotional experience'. In other words, it's what your customer makes of your brand, rather than anything you say about it. In this way, our brand audits are totally centred on your ideal client and how you can better influence that experience and interactions with your brand. We examine your brand with your business, services and values in mind, so that you don't just get short-term fixes (although there will be some quick-wins), but strategic insights that can produce long-term improvements.

  • First of all, in our brand audits, we don’t cover your whole brand in one go.

    Branding is a big area with hidden depths, so it is not feasible to cover every aspect in one go.

    Plus, people find it overwhelming and struggle to know what to do afterwards.

    instead, we split our brand audits into two.

    If you want to look at your internal branding, so ironing out the fundamentals of your audience, services, brand statements & messaging or competition and market positioning, an Internal Branding audit is for you.

    If you want to focus more on the visual side of your brand, an External Branding audit will help you gauge the health of your aesthetics (logo, typography, colour palettes), strength of your brand archetype or how effective your use of colour psychology is.

  • When it comes to any big decision, if you know the facts and are aware of factors that could affect the outcome, you gain clarity and confidence to take the next steps. A website audit helps you understand where your website is working and where it needs improvement, plus how to achieve that in a very practical way. This can save you time, money and wasted resources, plus gives you peace of mind that you are on track.

    What's different about your website audit?

    In a nutshell, our holistic and personal approach. To say website effectiveness is all about SEO, for example, misses the point. We examine your website with your business, brand and customers in mind, so that you don't just get short-term fixes (although there will be some quick-wins), but strategic insights that can produce long-term improvements. We also put all of that in terms that you can understand and talk you through it personally, so you feel like we are in it with you, rather than throwing a cryptic piece of paper and you and walking away.

  • Our recommendations will focus on giving you the insights and developments that you can implement with confidence, whether small things that you can do, or jobs you can pass to a designer or developer. We'll indicate areas that might need more specialist help and advise you on how you can commission an expert to help you.

    What if I decide I'd prefer you to implement the recommendations?

    It would be a pleasure! We love branding and website design - both are within our core services. Having completed your audit, you will be in an excellent position with new clarity and confidence to decide what to do and commission following design or development work. If you'd rather work with someone else, we'll put you in touch with trusted, experts that we know. If you want to discuss a bigger project, we're happy to discuss this with you further.

    What if I lose the recommendations?

    We'll upload the recommendations and any materials to a personal, dedicated online client portal for you, which you can access securely whenever you want and for as long as you want.

  • We avoid using jargon or any terminology that you won't understand. If we have to use any technical terms, we'll explain them simply and include any definitions in your audit for you to refer to afterwards. We want you to go away feeling both educated and inspired!

  • When you want to book a brand audit, we take a small deposit and agree a date with you for the in-person session; and once you've had the session with us and received our recommendations, you'll settle up the balance with us.

  • If you work backwards from the date of your in-person audit session with us, maximum two weeks to allow you to fill in an initial questionnaire, us to complete our evaluation and prepare your recommendations.

  • We are a small, busy family-run business, and are dealing with regular enquiries and committed to projects. This means that there is often a lead time and we can't undertake last-minute jobs. We'd also advise you to slow down while taking stock of your brand so that you capture the most important strategic insights that will lead to meaningful, healthy growth. Our brand audit is designed to allow you to do that and save you time and expense later, as you will be clear and confident on what you need to do.

  • A brand or a website audit starts from £300 and VAT is not applicable at the current time.

  • Because of the sheer breadth and depth of analysing your branding and website, we don’t combine the audits.

    We also find that the two audits together simply generate too many things to think about, leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

    By undertaking a brand or a website audit separately, it makes it much easier to get things sorted, plus you can always book a follow up audit.

A note from Simon

They say that a problem shared is a problem halved.

I know for myself if I’ve got something big I’m trying to work through that I always feel better after I’ve sat down with a friendly face over a cup of tea or coffee.

This is what’s is like when you book an audit with us - a friendly chat with an expert, leaving you feeling happier and more confident when you walk away.

Believe it or not, but we’ve also done audits on our business with business coaches as well as each other, and it’s a great way to get on top of that horrible feeling of overwhelm.

We’re passionate about helping people and brands be the best they can be, so our audits are packed with all the things that you need to get straight on with ironing things out.

Equally important is knowing what not to do or what needs to be moved to the next phase - that’s wisdom and saves you money.

If you need a friendly face to help you through your uncertainty or muddle. we’d love to be there for you and help you get back on your feet.



Get in touch with us

We’d love to hear from you and discuss your project. Fill in the contact form here and we’ll arrange a call so we can get to know each other.