How to make a barrister’s conference fun & appealing with a short video

Two men with black hair & beards in conversation over lunch at a legal conference captured by Wildings Studio in South Devon

Two delegates deep in conversation at the conference!


Maximise your legal event publicity with a fun, interesting video


At Wildings Studio, a brand video studio in South Devon, we produce brand videos for London barrister’s chambers, helping them stand out from the crowd in the legal space.

This was a showcase video for the 'Homelessness, Housing & Allocations' conference, hosted by 4-5 Gray's Inn Square in Holborn, London on Wednesday 9 October 2019.

Vicky Thompson (formerly CEO) at 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, a leading barrister’s chambers in London, commissioned us to produce something fun and interesting to create a buzz around the event.

It was designed to help drive publicity for the chambers and feed into their marketing efforts centred on winning briefs from solicitors for their ideal legal cases.



Explore brand video

If you’d like to discover more of how video can engage and build trust with your audience for your business, previous series or different aspects of brand video, we’ve collated all our brand video blogs for you.

Brand video by Wildings

Wildings Studio is a brand video studio based in Torquay, South Devon, offering brand video to creatively-inclined businesses across the UK - find out more about our brand video services for businesses.



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Production notes

From Rachael

  • Although perhaps not the most exciting subject matter, this was an important conference highlighting vital issues

  • I wanted to reinforce the subject matter in a sensitive way, but also bring some interest to proceedings as well

  • I used stop motion video to add character and a bit of fun, taking inspiration from the venue and props on hand

  • Additionally, back in the studio, I used the Mini Cooper prop, flowers and other in-studio items to highlight key subjects from the conference (such as Brexit and mental health)

  • Overall, this gave the conference a light touch with fun and contemporary elements, as well as keeping the focus on the serious issues at hand and the legal context

  • I paired it with a suitable premium soundtrack from Soundstripe which added to the interest overall

What they said

We worked with Vicky Thompson, the former CEO at 4-5 (now at Gilbert Stephens Solicitors in Devon) who was full of praise:

Within minutes of the video going out internally, I had messages from lots of the them to say: ‘Fab, Awesome, Great idea, What/where/when/how, Etc.’ They loved it!
— Vicky Thompson, formerly 4-5 Gray's Inn Square


That’s a wrap for another post in our Explore brand video category, but look out for ongoing tips, tricks and helpful events in our weekly newsletter. Also, we’d love to hear from any of your thoughts or reflections in the comments below, or else head over to Instagram to join the conversation and share your opinion.

Simon Cox

I’m Simon Cox and with my wife Rachael Cox we run Wildings Studio, a creative brand studio in Devon, UK offering branding, website design & brand video.

We create magical brands that your ideal customers rave about; and leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Our approach blends both style and substance, helping you go beyond your wildest expectations.


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