How to deal with 1-star reviews on Google Business Profile

Man with dark brown hair, thick eyebrows, stubble and khaki merino jumper picking wiggle eyes off his face and eyelids

Unpicking the damage of one-star reviews on Google Business Profile can be tricky, but all is not lost!

What to do when you get a one-star review on your Google Business profile? This is a tricky scenario! Someone has just left you a one-star review on your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business - see below) listing. It’s visible to the whole world in Google search results or on Maps, including your potential customers. As you can imagine, it’s not a good look and could well damage your brand! Apart from scream at the screen, what do you do?

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to say that you’ve set up your business on Google Business Profile, which is a good thing, as there are a surprising number of businesses that still don’t have a profile up and running. Why is this important? Because your Google Business Profile appears next to the search result for your business, so is highly visible. Any negative Google reviews for your business will stick out like a sore thumb to anyone who finds your business subsequently.

This is our take on how to deal with when you get a kicking with a negative or one-star review on Google Business Profile. It’s based on what we have done and what has worked for us when we received (unwarranted) one-star reviews in the past.

Also, as with all advice you read on the internet, please reflect on it and apply it to your situation; what works for one individual or business, won’t necessarily work out of the box for another!

In case you were wondering, Google Business Profile used to be called Google My Business up until November 2021, when Google announced the name change in its Ads & Commerce Blog. Similarly, the area for managing your business is now called Google Business Profile Manager.

Further reading: you can read more about the details and impact in ‘Google My Business: What’s Changing (And What’s Not) In 2022‘ from Forbes.



Wildings is a branding & website design agency in Devon. Based in Torquay in South Devon we design standout branding and websites for small businesses like garden designers, interior designers, florists and architects (garden, interiors and lifestyle brands). If you’d like to find out more, explore our branding or website design for small businesses or get in touch with our branding and website design studio in Torquay →


What is Google Business Profile?

Here’s what Google itself says about Google Business Profile to get us going:

“Google Business Profile is an easy-to-use tool for businesses and organisations to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. To help customers find your business, and to tell them your story, you can verify your business and edit your business information.” Google

We don’t cover what Google Business Profile is in this blog or how you can use it; we’re assuming that you’ve already got a working understanding of it.

If you want a bit of background reading, we recommend reading The New Google Business Profile: A Complete Guide for Local SEO from the Search Engine Journal.

Anyway, when it comes to online reviews, no matter how much you surround yourself with friends and supporters - nurturing crucial relationships with clients - before long you'll get that gut-wrenching moment:

A one-star review.

You can see ours here - it's no secret and you can't hide it from anyone; that's why it hurts.

Example negative, one-star and spam Google Business Profile review including a reply from the Business Profile owner

A real-life example of a spam one-star review from our Google Business Profile

So, what are the tactics for dealing with a one-star review on your Google Business Profile?

Here's our workflow:

  1. Leave a positive owner's response as soon as possible

  2. If known, contact the reviewer to find a solution

  3. Generate reviews from previous clients' projects not yet reviewed

  4. Edit your owner's response as necessary

  5. Evaluate where you can improve and implement solutions in your processes

  6. Don't take it to heart; move on quickly

  7. Do all you can, but don’t expect a spam review to be removed


1. Respond to Google Business Profile quickly & positively

  • Respond as soon as possible, directly and in a positive way!

  • Reviews and feedback are on full display these days, and the public knows it

  • Review platforms (like Google Business Profile, Trustpilot, Facebook) are ways to get the attention of business owners, or attack them, so be attentive

  • Context is key, so you need to get across your message as quickly as possible to provide balance to the issue

  • Offer an olive branch and demonstrate your willingness to make things right

  • If you know the reviewer personally, take the issue offline, ideally through a phone call; even better, in person

  • Whatever you do, be polite and professional, as your character and company are in the firing line

  • There is nothing you can do about anonymous reviews or trolls; see above and don't get into a flame war


2. Ask previous clients for a review for your Google Business Profile

  • Go to previous clients to generate positive reviews for your Google Business Profile

  • Try to dilute and mitigate the negative affect of your one star review with positive ones - ideally as quickly as possible to limit the damage to your brand reputation

  • Make a list of previous clients for whom you have completed projects recently, and if possible, where things went well and you have good relational capital

  • If there are some who have not yet reviewed your work, get in contact, ideally by phone

Why? Automated review systems are not as effective, simply because they are not personal and can feel spammy. A call acts like a tap on the shoulder, so is more likely to elicit a response.

How to generate quality reviews on Google Business Profile from previous clients

  • In your call, say that you are following up some jobs; ask whether your client would like to leave you some feedback

  • Don’t make it all about you - ask how things are going with your client’s business and how they are getting on

  • Make it short and sweet so that you get to the point and show that you respect their time and they might have lots to be getting on with

  • Follow up by e-mail with a pre-made template that has a very clear link to your review area; we use Google Business Profile for all our reviews

  • We use the direct link from Google Business Profile that opens up a browser window with the review form all ready to go, specifically relating to Wildings Studio

  • Again, make it quick and easy for your previous clients to do you a favour - it takes much more time and effort to build relational capital with clients, so try not to fritter it away with annoying requests!

Here's what the direct link to your Google Business Profile review area looks like below and the URL looks like this

You can copy and paste this from the home page of your Google Business Profile Manager under the section ‘Get more reviews’ - click the button that says ‘Share review form’.

Side note: since using Google Business Profile to generate reviews from previous clients, we’ve noticed that it regularly regenerates the review link. In the past we found that reviews of our Google Business Profile would sometimes go awary, even if clients successfully used the form.

Our guess is that if you reuse on the same, historical link from your Google Business Profile, there might be a higher likelihood that Google holds pending reviews for moderation (potentially indefinitely until you notice and do something about it).

As such, we recommend copying and pasting the latest review link from your Google Business Profile each time you want to ask a client for a reivew.

Example blank Google Business Profile review form with functionality to choose star rating plus add details of the experience

This is the page your customers will be directed to when you share your Google Business Profile review link with them

3. Take the opportunity to evaluate and improve beyond Google Business Profile

  • The natural thing to do is to take criticism personally, but the trick with business is to ask every time:

What can I do better? Was there some thing I did, said or one of my processes that caused this?

  • Despite our best efforts, we always miss things, and until you road-test products or service with living, breathing people, you simply can't predict outcomes

  • Therefore, criticism is the perfect opportunity to fix things and improve

  • Also, be magnanimous and own your mistakes

  • Even better, tell your clients how they are helping you improve; it builds trust, credibility and mileage

  • Whatever you identify, weave it back into your work; preferably quickly

  • Also, if things change and you are using Google Business Profile, you can always edit your owner comment and republish it


4. Don't take to heart what happens on Google Business Profile

  • A good friend of mine said to me that you need to be cultivate a robust mental attitude; be mentally robust

  • There is another saying: shut up and move on

  • The point is that you can't afford to stop and feel sorry for yourself, as life marches on

  • Also, you probably can't do much about the issue once it's done and you've done your firefighting


5. Don’t expect to get negative reviews on Google Business Profile removed

  • Even if the one-star review you receive on Google Business Profile is blatantly spammy or malicious, it is unlikely that you will get it taken down

  • You can of course use the ‘Flag as inappropriate’ button in your reviews area in your Google Business Profile Manager

  • You can then choose from a list of reasons for reporting it, such as off topic, spam, conflict of interest and four other categories currently

  • Google will review it as a policy violation and take up to three working days to process your request

  • However, based on our experience and the advice in Google’s help on 'How to remove reviews from your Business Profile on Google’, it may well have no effect

  • Our approach has been to flag malicious reviews and then quote the Google Reviews Policy and leave any readers to make up their own mind

  • The Spam and fake content section says the following:

Your content should reflect your genuine experience at the location and shouldn't be posted just to manipulate a place’s ratings. Don’t post fake content, don’t post the same content multiple times and don't post content for the same place from multiple accounts.

  • Sadly, there’s not much more you can do at that point


So that’s how we deal with one-star reviews on Google Business Profile. Sadly the negative ones are more often than not spam and impossible to get rid of via the official channels on your Google Business Profile. We’d encourage you to get on the phone to previous clients and see how you get on - you’ll be surprised how willing people are to give you a hand! If you’d like to learn more from us on website design or get visual inspiration, follow on Instagram or read more of our blogs on website design too.


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Simon Cox

I’m Simon Cox and with my wife Rachael Cox we run Wildings Studio, a creative brand studio in Devon, UK offering branding, website design & brand video.

We create magical brands that your ideal customers rave about; and leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Our approach blends both style and substance, helping you go beyond your wildest expectations.


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